Upcoming Events.
PDLN 2025 Conference. Warsaw May 25-27th. Details to follow.
Our conferences are invitation only events for senior news licensing organisation executives. We meet in informal settings, limiting numbers to around 60 enabling excellent networking and interactive discussion on topics of interest including market developments, legal changes, and how technology is driving business change. We also hold seminars and webinars on topics that are of interest to members throughout the year.
Webinar: Implementing the Press Publishers Right
Work on national implementation of article 15 of the Copyright directive continues in most EU countries, encouraged by recent French and Australian developments. In some cases (Scandinavia, Netherlands) the whole package is being taken as one. In others (France) the press licensing rights are being given a priority. Meanwhile, the COVID crisis is a special crisis for the press, accelerating the concerns about press viability and democracy which underly the law.
The directive is not precise in a number of areas. What is ‘a few words’ for example and how do you exclude ‘mere hyperlinks’ when these may also be headlines? Who exactly is covered – and who is not. And how do you force attention from ministries, some of which objected to the legislation.
The PDLN seminar will give live examples from Netherlands and Poland, and give publisher associations, publishers, CMOs and others a chance to share and learn from each other.
The event is free, invitation only, and open to publishers, publisher associations and publisher CMOs.